Please note that detailed explanations are not yet available for some of the functions and modules listed. This is due to the fact that the corresponding texts have only just been created and are still being edited. However, we are working on updating these links shortly in order to provide you with a comprehensive insight into all the functions and modules listed. Thank you for your understanding and patience.
2D and 3D construction
3D video editing
DAC 6 cases
Daily and interim closing
Damage management
Data acquisition
Data and structures
Data categories
Data classification
Data cleansing
Data coding
Data Collection
Data Connectors
Data destruction
Data Discovery
Data fields for advertisements
Data fields individually customizable per contract type
Data flow diagrams
Data formats
Data inspection and cleansing
Data interfaces
Data localization
Data maintenance
Data management
Data manipulation
Data medium exchange procedure
Data merging
Data preparation
Data protection impact assessment
Data selection
Data storage
Data summaries
Data transformation
Data transmission according to § 301
Data Transmission Ordinance notifications
Data volume
Database access
Database search
Date annotation
Deadline and time limit monitoring
decentralized data collection
Decision tree analysis
Decision trees
Definition of assembly connections
Deformation and vibration calculations
Deformation plots
Delegation functions
Deletion according to 4-eyes principle
Deletion classes
Deletion log
Deletion methods
Deletion rules
Delivery proposals
Delivery schedules
Department-specific masks and processes
Deposit accounting
Deposit management
Depreciation multi-year forecast
Design functions
Design options
Desktop/Application Virtualization
Detailed guest and company file
Detection of curvatures
Development environment
Device and master data grouping
Device data acquisition
Device testing
Diagram Editor
Dialog Design
Diet calculation
Different dialing modes
different printing systems
different types of accommodation
Differential taxation
Digital salary statement
DIN formats
Directory of processing activities
Disbursement order
Dispatch of tasks
Display of current shift data
Display of current target/actual quantities
Display of personnel attendance overviews
Display of the standstills
Disposer management
Distance matrices
Distribution of advertising material
Distribution values
Divestiture management
Division management or category management
Document access
Document archiving
Document commenting
Document composition
Document Construction Site Ordinance
Document display
Document integrity
Document layout
Document library
Document migration
Document preview
Document RAB 32
Document Sharing
Document templates
Document types
Document version management
Documentation and evidence management
Documentation and manuals
documentation of calculations
Domestic Travel
Door Open Alarm
Door release
Double-entry accounting functions
Dough plan
Down payment management
Draft process recordings
Draft publication
Draft storage
Dressing book
DSD / ARA accounting
DSGVO Documentation
Dynamic or Transient Response