SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > 8D report

8D report

What is meant by 8D report?

An "8D Report" is a structured problem-solving approach used in quality management practice to systematically analyze, solve, and document complex problems or quality issues. The term "8D" stands for "8 Disciplines" or "8 Steps" that are followed as part of this process.

Typically, the 8 disciplines of the 8D Report include the following steps:

  1. Team Formation: A team is assembled to identify and solve the problem. This team should consist of members from various areas to ensure a comprehensive perspective.

  2. Problem Description: The team clearly and precisely describes the problem, including its impact on customers, internal processes, or products.

  3. Immediate Actions: Immediate actions are taken to temporarily solve or control the problem to prevent further damage.

  4. Root Cause Analysis: The team conducts a thorough analysis to identify the root causes of the problem. This may involve methods such as Ishikawa diagrams (also known as Fishbone diagrams) or 5-Why analyses.

  5. Action Planning: Based on the identified causes, the team develops a plan with appropriate actions to solve the problem in the long term.

  6. Implementation of Actions: The planned actions are implemented to resolve the problem. This may require collaboration with various departments or suppliers.

  7. Effectiveness Review: The team reviews the effectiveness of the actions taken to ensure that the problem has been resolved and does not recur.

  8. Preventive Actions: Finally, preventive actions are developed to prevent similar problems in the future. This may include changing processes, training employees, or implementing new controls.

Typical functions of software in the 8D Report domain include:

  1. Templates and Forms: The software provides pre-made templates and forms for creating 8D Reports, facilitating the structuring and documentation of the problem-solving process.

  2. Collaboration and Teamwork: The software enables collaboration and communication within the team throughout the entire 8D process, including task assignment and progress tracking.

  3. Workflow Management: The software supports managing the entire workflow of the 8D process, including tracking action plans and meeting deadlines.

  4. Document Management: The software offers features for storing, managing, and retrieving relevant documents and information related to the 8D Report.

  5. Reporting and Analysis: The software allows for the creation of reports and analyses on the 8D process to identify trends, highlight improvement opportunities, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken.


The function / module 8D report belongs to:

Quality management

3D traffic light factor
3D viewer
Basic copy templates
Batch tracing
Best before date management
Competence and control functions
Completeness and consistency
Corrective actions
create manual
critical products
Data maintenance
Documentation of QM
Effectiveness check
ERM maturity levels, modeling
Evaluation catalogs
External parties
Fish tracking
FMEA Forms
Gauge management
Guideline management
Hazard catalog
Inspection data acquisition
Inspection equipment monitoring
Inspection order management
Inspection plan versioning
Inspection relocation
Inspection reports
Inspection severity
Inspection stamp
Instruction slides
internal control systems
internal errors
ISO standard management
Lot and intermediate inspection
manage manual
Management and verification of reference persons
Measuring equipment
Occupational safety
Parameterizable inspection characteristics
Plausibility checks
PPF form
Product recall management
Recording reasons
Resident survey
Safety labels
Sample management
Sampling system
Security check
Skip-lot procedure
Special measurements
Standard catalogs
Standards compliance
Standards, catalogs and pipe classes
Statistical process control (SPC)
Supplier evaluation
Supplier qualification
Task generation
Test automates
Test questions
Test result display
Test results
Testing methods
Visualization of loss causes
Warning messages
Warning thresholds
Where-used list


Defect management
Error description
Repeat errors Repeat contacts
Return management
Status displays
Status overviews

Software solutions with function or module 8D report:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
e1ns Engineering
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Improve QM-Software
iqs Quality Center - CAQ-Software
Show all 30 programs with 8D report