SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Control Specification

Control Specification

What is meant by Control Specification?

"Control Specification" refers to a detailed description of the requirements and criteria used for the inspection or control of a product, facility, or process. These specifications define which parameters or features should be monitored, measured, or tested to ensure that a product meets the required standards or that a process operates correctly.

Typical functions of software in the field of control specification include:

  1. Parameter definition: The software allows for the precise definition and specification of the parameters or features to be monitored or controlled.

  2. Criteria definition: It enables the establishment of criteria or limits to be used for evaluating the parameters to determine if they meet the requirements.

  3. Creation of inspection plans: The software supports the creation of inspection plans or control procedures that specify the sequence and methods for conducting inspections.

  4. Documentation: It enables the documentation of control specifications, inspection records, and results for traceability and compliance purposes.

  5. Integration with measuring devices: The software can integrate with measuring devices or testing equipment to automatically capture measurement data and compare it with the specified criteria.

  6. Notifications and alerts: It provides features for notifying users of deviations from specifications or reaching critical limits.

  7. Analysis and reporting: The software enables the analysis of inspection results and the generation of reports on compliance with control specifications, as well as the identification of trends or problem areas.


The function / module Control Specification belongs to:

Quality management

3D traffic light factor
Basic copy templates
Batch tracing
Best before date management
Completeness and consistency
Corrective actions
create manual
critical products
Data maintenance
Documentation of QM
Effectiveness check
ERM maturity levels, modeling
External parties
Fish tracking
FMEA Forms
Gauge management
Guideline management
Hazard catalog
Inspection data acquisition
Inspection equipment monitoring
Inspection plan versioning
Inspection relocation
Inspection reports
Inspection severity
Instruction slides
internal control systems
internal errors
ISO standard management
Lot and intermediate inspection
manage manual
Management and verification of reference persons
Measuring equipment
Occupational safety
Parameterizable inspection characteristics
Plausibility checks
Product recall management
Recording reasons
Resident survey
Safety labels
Sample management
Sampling system
Security check
Skip-lot procedure
Standard catalogs
Standards compliance
Standards, catalogs and pipe classes
Statistical process control (SPC)
Supplier evaluation
Supplier qualification
Task generation
Test automates
Test questions
Test result display
Test results
Testing methods
Visualization of loss causes
Warning messages
Warning thresholds
Where-used list

Software solutions with function or module Control Specification:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
CODieBOARD# maritime-management-center (CB#mmc)
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Maintenance software CMMS
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management