SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Quality assurance

Quality assurance

What is meant by Quality assurance?

"Quality assurance" refers to the process of planning, implementing, and monitoring measures to ensure that products or services meet specified quality standards. The goal of quality assurance is to ensure that the quality of a product or service is consistent and meets the requirements and expectations of customers.

Typical features of software in the realm of "quality assurance" include:



The function / module Quality assurance belongs to:

Quality management

Software solutions with function or module Quality assurance:

EcholoN Service Management Suite
EcholoN - holistic service management
Syncos MES
Software for CAQ BDE MDE MES
From digital worker guidance, maintenance and production monitoring to emergency managemen
Software for the creation of checklists of all kinds such as construction site inspections
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
Modular quality management software solutions for all industries and company sizes.
Secldent – Empower digital identity
Brand protection, track & trace and customer loyalty through secure serialization
Software for planning, layout & dimensioning of water treatment plants
Microsoft Dynamics 365
MICROSOFT DYNAMICS 365 - the next generation of CRM and ERP applications
Software for recipe management, product specifications, nutritional value calculation, ing
The solution for quality and supplier management.
Show all 106 programs with Quality assurance