SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Evaluation catalogs

Evaluation catalogs

What is meant by Evaluation catalogs?

"Bewertungskataloge" refers to structured collections of criteria, parameters, or evaluation factors used to assess and evaluate objects, processes, or performances. These catalogs serve as a reference framework for conducting evaluations and enable standardized and systematic assessment of various aspects. Evaluation catalogs are used in various areas such as quality management, project evaluation, supplier assessment, or risk management to enable objective assessments and comparisons.

Typical functions of software in the "evaluation catalogs" domain could include:

  1. Catalog management: The ability to create, organize, and manage evaluation catalogs, including defining criteria and evaluation scales.
  2. Customizable evaluation criteria: The capability to adapt and configure the criteria in the evaluation catalogs to specific requirements.
  3. Evaluation functions: Tools for conducting evaluations based on the criteria defined in the catalogs, including capturing evaluation results and comments.
  4. Reporting: The ability to generate reports summarizing and analyzing the results of evaluations.
  5. Collaboration and approval: Features for collaboration among different users in conducting evaluations, as well as approval of evaluation results.
  6. Revision and history: The capability to view previous versions of evaluations and track changes to ensure traceability and accountability.


The function / module Evaluation catalogs belongs to:

Quality management

External parties
Inspection relocation
Inspection severity
internal errors
Lot and intermediate inspection
Management and verification of reference persons
Measuring equipment
Parameterizable inspection characteristics
Recording reasons
Security check
Test automation
Testing methods
Visualization of loss causes

Software solutions with function or module Evaluation catalogs:

Aeneis - critical and success-relevant processes and assets under control.
CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
e1ns Engineering
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
EcholoN Service Management Suite
MSO Maßnahmen-/Workflow-Management
Supply Chain Due Diligence Act Solution (MR.KNOW)