SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > E-mail functions

E-mail functions

What is meant by E-mail functions?

The term "email functions" refers to the various capabilities and tools that email systems provide to create, send, receive, and organize electronic messages. These functions are an integral part of email services and applications.

Basic email functions include:

  1. Compose and Send:

    • The fundamental function involves creating emails and sending them to other recipients. This includes adding text, attachments, and specifying recipients.
  2. Receive Emails:

    • Email systems allow users to receive incoming messages. This can occur automatically or through manual retrieval of messages.
  3. Forwarding and Reply:

    • Emails can be forwarded or replied to. Forwarding and reply functions support communication and information exchange.
  4. File Attachments:

    • Users can attach files to emails to share documents, images, or other files with others.
  5. Folders and Categories:

    • To facilitate organization, email systems provide the ability to sort emails into folders or assign categories.
  6. Search Function:

    • A search function enables users to quickly search for specific emails or content, improving efficiency in managing large volumes of emails.
  7. Labeling and Marking:

    • Users can label or mark emails to highlight important messages or indicate a specific action.
  8. Automatic Filters and Rules:

    • Email services often offer the ability to set up automatic filters and rules to organize incoming messages or perform specific actions based on predefined criteria.
  9. Address Book:

    • An address book stores contact information for individuals regularly contacted, making it easier to find email addresses.
  10. Encryption and Security:

    • Modern email services provide features for encryption and security to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of messages.
  11. Automatic Reply (Out-of-Office):

    • Users can set up automatic replies to inform senders when they are temporarily unavailable.

The function / module E-mail functions belongs to:

Messaging, communication, mail

Activate e-mail
Company mails
Conversation scenarios
Correspondence manager
Data migration
Dispatch of tasks
E-mail archiving
E-mail attachments
E-mail integration
E-mail interfaces
Email migration
Fax, SMS
Functional mailboxes
Interactive file form
Internal communication
Mail Access Alias
Mail integration
Mailbox info
Message and menu control
mobile notification
MS Exchange interface
MS Exchange Server integration
Offer information of the employer
processing of e-mails
SMS messaging
Spam filter algorithms
Video consultation

Software solutions with function or module E-mail functions:

:becosoft-Immo - Professional Real Estate Management
Advantage Compliance
audius:Finance for financial service providers
audius:Software & Consulting for IT, software and consulting companies
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
Fakturia Subscription Management
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software