Software > Project Management > Multi-Project Management

Multi-Project Management Software

Multi-project management is the overarching planning, coordination and control of several individual projects. The definition according to DIN 69909 thus suggests a comparison with a management system. Multi-project management therefore includes cross-project management tasks such as quality management as well as the resolution of resource conflicts, the coordination of dependencies between the individual projects and the possible identification of synergy effects.

In this SoftGuide section you will find an overview of software and solutions for multi-project management. The multi-project management software listed in this section supports the project manager in planning, controlling and monitoring multiple interrelated projects ("project portfolios"). Many of the multi-project management solutions listed here also include project portfolio management. The software supports project communication, project representation (WBS/Gantt) and helps with project budget management, forecast management and resource management.

Are you looking for a suitable multi-project management?
show 1 to 18 (of 18 software programs)
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Multi-project management with myPARM
Multi-project management with myPARM myPARM PM is a strategic and process-oriented multi-project management solution. It maps e.g. Gantt and WBS, budgeting, time recording, resource planning, invoicing, risk and opportunity management. myPARM supports you in defining your strategy (e.g. with the help of integrated SWOT, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy and Influence Map, Portfolio Management etc.). An escalation mechanism as well as traffic light and notification systems reduce the workload and support the management task.
PLANTA pulse
Agile Project Management and Transparency in Team Work
Agile Project Management and Transparency in Team Work PLANTA pulse is an agile multi-project management and collaboration tool that strengthens cooperation between departments in the company, project teams and with external project stakeholders. The extremely user-friendly solution offers, for example, intuitive kanban boards, flexible task management, diverse structuring options, and much more. With PLANTA pulse, all information can be viewed directly at the task.
PLANTA portfolio
Plan your projects according to your business goals, identify risks
Plan your projects according to your business goals, identify risks PLANTA portfolio is used for strategic corporate planning through effective project portfolio management, which supports all phases of portfolio management, from the definition of evaluation criteria to the classification of ideas, the classification of plans and projects, their prioritization to target and project monitoring. With PLANTA portfolio, it will be easy for you to make decisions about investing in the "right" projects in the future.
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting
Resource planning, cost planning, time recording, risk management, project reporting KLUSA is a multi-project management software for project management and project portfolio management. The software supports strategic portfolio planning, operative multi-project control, efficient individual project management and company-wide employee planning. With KLUSA, management has an overview of current and planned project ideas and projects at all times. They can react efficiently to possible resource bottlenecks, deviations from plans, and new requirements.
Project Software - ERP for Service Providers
PROJEKTA is a project software for service providers who need their project information transparent and digital. Structure and individuality in project organization creates overview flexibility in project execution. The simple task and time recording supports service organizations in recording the duration of tasks. The recorded project time is directly taken into account when invoicing. Evaluations provide information at the push of a button, so that project staff and project managers have information available ad hoc.
objectiF RPM
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software
Your Holistic Solution for Requirements Engineering and Project Management Software objectiF RPM offers portfolio, program and project managers and the requirements engineering team an integrated working environment and provides all the important functionalities for mapping multi-project management.
Web-based project management platform for make-to-order manufacturers
Web-based project management platform for make-to-order manufacturers The project management software for individual manufacturers CEMDO includes various web modules: Collaboration, Kanban, Gantt chart and e-mail & archive. Featrues of the software include phase and schedule planning, graphical capacity and resource planning, cross-project analyses, agile Kanban boards and much more. Overviews or dashboards can be set up individually for each user according to their needs.
Software for Project Management with Processes and Methods
Software for Project Management with Processes and Methods in-STEP BLUE is project and multi-project management software in one. With the help of the solution, employees are supported operationally in their tasks. You have a software for parallel planning of resources, use processes and methods effectively and also have decisive key figures and the respective project progress always in view. Comprehensive reporting helps with decision-making.
Project success with system - pm-smart SW based on the IPMA standard!!!
Project success with system - pm-smart SW based on the IPMA standard!!! Keeping a whole portfolio of ideas and projects under control is a constant challenge. Your portfolio management therefore lacks a uniform, up-to-date data basis. You will find this in pm-smart multi-project management where portfolio management is mapped for planning, budgeting and project (e)controlling. As a P-manager, you want time for the really important key factors: project content, project tasks and communication - pm-smart helps!...
All projects clearly displayed and accessible with just a few clicks
admileo covers, among other business processes, multi-project management. The software includes functionalities for project planning and execution, project controlling, cost-accrual planning and change management. admileo offers everything for controlling the entire project portfolio. admileo provides ongoing controlling with all the necessary tools to ensure that project goals are achieved.
PLANTA Project - Agile and TRaditional Project Management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management
Agile, classical and traditional multi-project management PLANTA project lets you keep a perfect overview of dates, resources and costs of your projects. Plan and control your projects systematically and you are always up to date with regard to the current project status.
Web-based complete solution for enterprise-wide project and portfolio management
Web-based complete solution for enterprise-wide project and portfolio management The Sciforma Project and Portfolio Management (PPM) solution includes all important functions for company-wide insight into all your projects and resources. The software enables efficient multi-project management as well as portfolio management so that you always have an overview and can decide which new projects are the best fit for your company.
Project Planning, Machine Utilization, Personnel Utilization Planning
Project Planning, Machine Utilization, Personnel Utilization Planning PLANOUT is a powerful multi-project management software that enables companies to plan, track and control their projects and resources. PLANOUT offers an intuitive user interface and integrated reporting features.
A production planning system that is used to complement existing ERP systems.
FELIOS is the advanced planning and scheduling system for market-synchronous production. The right planning tools are especially crucial for companies with complex manufacturing processes. For new orders at short notice, you can quickly and easily simulate a new production plan.
Syncos MES
Software for CAQ BDE MDE MES
SYNCOS MES not only brings transparency to order processing, but also closes the gap between manufacturing and the other company divisions involved in the order. SYNCOS MES helps to cope with typical resource management challenges such as material provisioning, forklift management or personnel planning.
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
Are you running multiple projects at a time?
Are you running multiple projects at a time? Organisations running large projects simultanuously need to coordinate, synchronise them and share the capacity. Co-projects helps you to balance and monitor your product portfolio.
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects
Projektron BCS – The web-based software for managing your projects Projektron BCS – BCS stands for Business Coordination Software. Comprehensive functions – individual customizing – reliable technology. The web-based software Projektron BCS combines comprehensive functions for project management and ERP in a single solution and supports companies in the efficient planning, control and evaluation of their projects and resources. Whether in project planning, coordination or analysis after completion – Projektron BCS enables you to control all project phases easily and effectively and to always keep control over project progress, expenses and material costs ...
Clarity PPM: Enterprise Software for Project and Portfolio Management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management
Clarity PPM for comprehensive operative and strategic project and portfolio management Clarity PPM as software meets all requirements of operational and strategic PPM. The strengths include the combination of project, resource, financial and portfolio management as well as multi-project management. Clarity PPM offers extensive configuration options and can be optimally adapted to your individual requirements so that you get the maximum benefit from the application. Whether SaaS or as an on-premise solution. As the manufacturer's only Tier 1 partner in Germany and Austria and strongest partner in Europe, itdesign is the right address for you.
show 1 to 18 (of 18 software programs)

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Software Tips

What is multi-project management?

Multi-project management (also known as project portfolio management) involves the coordinated management and control of several projects within an organization, company or unit. Multi-project management is also used to make decisions about whether a new or additional project fits into the current or future portfolio. It is a method of ensuring that all projects are carried out effectively and efficiently and provides a holistic view of an organization's project landscape. Multi-project management can be divided into program management and project portfolio management. Program management involves several projects in programs that have a common goal. Projects in portfolios are usually separate from each other and often compete for resources.

The project portfolio

A project portfolio is a collection of projects, programs and/or initiatives carried out by an organization or company. These projects can vary in terms of their objectives, resources, priorities and strategic direction. The aim of a project portfolio is to ensure that an organization's resources are used effectively and efficiently to achieve its strategic goals.

Managing a project portfolio requires careful selection, monitoring and control of projects and programs to ensure that they deliver the intended benefits and that resources are allocated appropriately. Portfolio management practices help to minimize risks, take advantage of opportunities and ensure that the organization achieves its strategic goals.

Elements of a project portfolio

Elements of a project portfolio

Difference between multi-project management and project management

The main difference between multi-project management and project management lies in their scope of application and in the priorities set in each case.

Project management

Project management focuses on the planning, implementation and monitoring of a single project. By definition, a project is a time-limited undertaking that has a starting point and a specific end point. In project management, a dedicated project team works on the realization of the project goals. The resources, including employees, budget and time, are usually focused on this specific project. Success in project management is measured by whether the defined project goal has been achieved.

Multi-project management

Multi-project management deals with the coordinated management and control of several projects and considers the totality of all projects that are carried out in parallel or in succession. Multi-project management offers a holistic view of an organization's project landscape. It prioritizes, monitors and controls projects in accordance with the organizational goals. Among other things, multi-project management should ensure that resources are optimally distributed across all projects and that potential risks to projects are taken into account so that any risks that arise can be responded to.

Advantages of multi-project management

Advantages of multi-project management

Possible applications of multi-project management

Large organizations use multi-project management to coordinate a large number of projects in different departments or business units. In the construction industry, multi-project management methods can be used to efficiently plan and execute construction projects. IT departments use multi-project management to work simultaneously on multiple IT projects such as software development, IT systems implementation and network enhancements. In research and development departments, multi-project management techniques can help to coordinate innovation projects and product developments. Consulting companies use multi-project management to manage different client projects simultaneously and ensure that resources are used optimally.

Typical functions

Tips and question suggestions

Further specific criteria and question suggestions for the evaluation of software for multi-project management