SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Voucher function

Voucher function

What is meant by Voucher function?

The "voucher function" typically refers to a feature in software that enables the creation, management, and redemption of vouchers. Vouchers are special discount codes or value certificates that customers can use to receive price reductions or purchase products/services at a discounted price.

The function / module Voucher function belongs to:



Alloy surcharge
Automated price recommendations
Block and value allocation
Booking segments
Customer prices, sales discounts
Customer-specific prices and article texts
Energy control surcharges
Group structures
Material control surcharges
Price groups
Promotion price intervals
Recyclables surcharges
Scrap surcharge
Tariff classification

Software solutions with function or module Voucher function:

edoobox - Online booking system
Fakturia Subscription Management
HS/3 Hotelsoftware