SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Payment methods

Payment methods

What is meant by Payment methods?

"Payment methods" refer to the various types and conditions of payments agreed upon between parties. This includes aspects such as the timing of payments, the method of payment (cash, bank transfer, credit card, etc.), and, if applicable, installment payments or discounts.

Typical features of software in the payment methods domain could include:

  1. Set Payment Due Dates: The software allows for setting due dates for payments to ensure they are made on time.

  2. Diverse Payment Options: Support for various payment methods such as cash, bank transfer, credit card, direct debit, etc.

  3. Installment Payments: Features for managing installment payments when agreements for staggered payments are made.

  4. Discounts: Integration of discount options for early payment discounts if provided in the payment modalities.

  5. Automation of Payment Processes: Automation of payment processes to facilitate recurring payments or billing.

  6. Customer Communication: Features for communicating with customers regarding payment modalities, payment reminders, or specific instructions.


The function / module Payment methods belongs to:


Catalog exchange formats
Cover letter, advertising
Credit card import
Data interfaces
E-mail interfaces
File scan services
Financial accounting interfaces
GIS interfaces
Google Maps integration
IFC interface
Integration of office systems
Interface to Adobe InDesign
Interfaces and key figure templates
Interfaces for employees and visitors
Interfaces to invoicing
Interfaces to payroll accounting programs
Internal interfaces
ITSG certification
LDAP connection
Lighting calculation
Lista interfaces
Mail-In/Scan-In function
Master data interface
Migration of addresses
MS Excel interface
MS Exchange interface
MS Office integration
Outlook integration
Paternoster interfaces
PPS interfaces
Process interface
Remote configuration
Sales opportunity management
Software interfaces
Stacking interfaces (Bufü)
Standard interfaces
System components
Tax consultant interface
Time recording interfaces
Web service integration
Weighing systems
Working time recording


Online banking

Payment transactions

Software solutions with function or module Payment methods:

audius:Software & Consulting for IT, software and consulting companies
Fakturia Subscription Management
HS/3 Hotelsoftware
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop