SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Collective invoices
Collective invoices

Collective invoices

What is meant by Collective invoices?

Consolidated invoices, or collective invoices, refer to the practice of combining multiple individual invoices into a single invoice. This can occur in various contexts, such as when a customer has acquired multiple services or products over a period and wishes to receive a single invoice for all of them. Consolidated invoices can also occur in B2B situations where a company provides multiple deliveries or services to the same customer and consolidates them into a single invoice.

Typical functions of software in the domain of consolidated invoices might include:

  1. Invoice Consolidation:

    • Automated consolidation of multiple individual invoices into a consolidated invoice.
  2. Customer Management:

    • Management of customer information and preferences for generating consolidated invoices.
  3. Flexible Invoice Formatting:

    • Customizable templates for presenting items and total amount in the consolidated invoice.
  4. Automation of Payment Tracking:

    • Tracking of payments received for the consolidated invoice.
  5. Documentation and Compliance:

    • Capture and storage of information for accounting purposes and compliance requirements.

The function / module Collective invoices belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Collective invoices:

audius:Software & Consulting for IT, software and consulting companies
DELECO® IMS - Software for maintenance
e.bootis-ERPII Suite
ERP twyz.enterprise
Fakturia Subscription Management
microtech büro+
myPARM - Multi-project management software
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
Show all 33 programs with Collective invoices