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Mail Order Software

Current market overview of industry software, ERP systems and solutions for the mail order business. The ERP software or the industry software for the mail order business usually includes a customer management, an item management, order entry and processing and a warehouse management. An ERP for mail order has various tools for price maintenance and provides extensive interfaces for article imports in different formats.

The mail order software usually supports, among other things, the determination of the routing code for the freight mail cooperation (DHL, UPS, etc.), allows collective picking and the sending of shipment notifications by e-mail. Frequently, the solutions for the mail order business also offer a store connection including the processing and preparation of articles for the store, data export and enable the import of store orders including plausibility checks. The software for the mail order business enables customer allocation or new creation as well as the maintenance of the customer base and the processing of catalog requests. In some cases, ERP systems provide cross-selling functions, for example.

Are you looking for a suitable mail order software?
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unitop ERP Trade
The industry solution for wholesale and distance selling
The industry solution for wholesale and distance selling The unitop ERP retail solution for mail order companies based on Microsoft Dynamcis includes innovative and functional performance features for mapping your retail processes. The solution is scalable and suitable for any size of retail company as well as for any type of warehouse and logistics. The software includes container management for floating goods, CEP service provider connection, ATLAS interface, order control and control center as well as returns management and much more.
Mail order software for e-commerce and omnichannel retail
Mail order software for e-commerce and omnichannel retail The ERP software for e-commerce and omnichannel retail that can do more: DiVA optimises your business processes! With DiVA, you have software that includes everything: ERP, CRM, POS and more. This allows you to ensure a perfect customer experience and benefit from highly automated processes at the same time.
ERP software for online retailers
ERP software for online retailers Is your company growing and your software is slowing you down? Digitize your processes with our tailor-made ERP software especially for retailers. Our focus is on automating processes in areas such as store integration and order processing, but also in warehousing, purchasing and financial accounting. We support traditional collective picking with pick lists as well as a robot-supported, fully automated warehouse.
eZentrum - Internetshop
eZentrum: Ihr Webshop kommuniziert mit deLUXE-ERP - vollautomatisch und sicher
eZentrum is a turnkey eCommerce application with a connection to the ERP deLUXE. The connection to the ERP enables extremely efficient process mapping for retailers. The design of eZentrum can be customised to your corporate design. The system is extremely flexible and certified for Trusted Shops, among others. eZentrum automatically takes care of product placement in search engines.
For visionaries in online retail
For visionaries in online retail 4SELLERS is a powerful e-commerce software that combines enterprise resource planning, an omni-channel concept and comprehensive warehouse management in one central software solution. You manage all sales channels and sophisticated features for your mail order business. Platform-optimized listing and specific functions for Real, Rakuten, Idealo etc. are integrated into the 4SELLERS software.
The mobile scanner app for optimizing your warehouse management
The mobile scanner app for optimizing your warehouse management To quickly and efficiently enter new goods or deliveries into your ERP system, a mobile scanner app is the best solution. With skanna, you can do just that – automatically transfer scanned data into your ERP system. This way, you can enter delivered new goods or products to be delivered into your system with a single scan, making your mail order business demonstrably more efficient.
The PROTAKT add-on for registering and settling accounts for licensed sales packaging
The PROTAKT add-on for registering and settling accounts for licensed sales packaging Discover the perfect addition to your mail order software with the lizentro app. Our solution enables seamless and automated reporting of your licensed packaging to dual systems. The integration into Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central offers you a user-friendly interface and automated creation of quantity and annual reports. With lizentro, you can process license fees internationally and easily manage the transfer of costs to downstream trade levels. Ideal for mail order companies that value efficiency and compliance.
WEST System©
WEST System© as an integrated complete system for services, industry and trade
WEST System© as an integrated complete system for services, industry and trade The West system consists of a central service (basic module) and various other modules. In addition to materials management, purchasing, production, projects, human resources and controlling, there is also a sales module. This sales module can be used to handle inquiries, quotations and order processing, including dispatch scheduling and order picking, contact management and eCommerce connections.
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop SOG ein Spezialist für den Großhandel, Import und Export. Wir bieten Ihnen ein ganzheitliches Software- und Beratungskonzept für Ihre Branche. Erhöhen Sie mit der Lösung SOG ERP, Lagerverwaltungssystem (WMS) und E-Shop Ihre Effizienz vom Ein- und Verkauf bis zum Informationsmanagement. Auch E-Commerce-Lösungen für B2B und ein online-basiertes Lagerverwaltungssystem (Scanner) bieten wir aus eigenem Hause an. Vertrauen Sie auf mehr als 30 Jahre Erfahrung im Groß- und Außenhandel sowie umfassendes Know-how.
ERP | CRM | PIM | Merchandise Management | Business Intelligence - complete solution
ERP | CRM | PIM | Merchandise Management | Business Intelligence - complete solution deLUXE-ERP is a complete ERP, CRM, PIM, merchandise management and business intelligence solution. The solution allows immediate deployment with the right modules for each of your challenges, ensuring complete integration of all business processes.
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