SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Mass determination

Mass determination

What is meant by Mass determination?

"Quantity takeoff" refers to the process of calculating material quantities or labor efforts in construction projects or other engineering projects. Typically, this involves determining the required quantities of construction materials such as concrete, steel, masonry, piping, and other building materials, as well as calculating labor hours or days for various construction activities.

Typical functions of software in the field of "quantity takeoff" include:

  1. Material quantification: The software enables accurate quantification of material quantities based on the specific requirements and dimensions of the project.

  2. Automated calculations: Automated features facilitate the calculation of material quantities and labor efforts by using complex mathematical formulas and algorithms.

  3. Integration of construction plans: The software can import and analyze construction plans or technical drawings to determine material quantities for various components.

  4. Reporting: Creation of detailed reports on the calculated material quantities and labor efforts for transparent documentation and communication in the construction project.

  5. Flexibility: The ability to use various units and measurement systems and adjust the results according to project requirements.

  6. Cost estimation: Based on the determined material quantities and labor efforts, the software can also estimate the expected costs for the construction project.


The function / module Mass determination belongs to:


2D and 3D construction
bolted joints
Column sinking
Conjugate heat flow
Detection of curvatures
Effect avoidance
frequency response
heat transfer
Interaction with beams
linear buckling
linear statics
Mapped mesher
Partial construction
Partial dismantling
Partial strands
point, line and area loads
Reuse of constructions
Section creation
Shell thickener
Stability failure
static fatigue
Subgrade reaction modulus method
surface contact
Technical documents, standards
Temperature loads
Tetrahedral refiner
Vibration shapes
Zone management

Software solutions with function or module Mass determination:

HiCAD - the powerful 3D CAD system
SIDOUN Globe - AVA-Software mit Kostenmanagement + Baukalkulation
Siemens Simcenter STAR CCM+
ALPI Caneco Implantation