Software > Production, Procurement > Building Information Modeling

BIM - Building Information Modeling Software

Current market overview of BIM software. BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. It is a method for planning, executing and managing construction projects with the help of computer-aided 3D models. Building Information Modeling (BIM) aims to avoid delays and cost overruns, especially on large projects.

In addition to 3D modeling, BIM software supports the integration of different types of data, including geometric, temporal, financial and legal information. BIM-Software ermöglicht die Identifizierung von Kollisionen und Konflikten zwischen verschiedenen Bauteilen oder Gewerken im 3D-Modell. Sie kann dazu eingesetzt werden, um automatisch Mengen und Kosten von Bauteilen und Materialien zu berechnen und ermöglicht u.a. die Erstellung von Bauzeitplänen und die Visualisierung des zeitlichen Ablaufs eines Bauprojekts. BIM-Software unterstützt die Bewertung der Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit eines Gebäudes. BIM-Software ermöglicht in der Regel eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zwischen den verschiedenen Projektbeteiligten. Sämtliche Informationen sind zentral verfügbar, was die Effizienz der Zusammenarbeit erhöht. BIM is a central component in the digital transformation of the construction industry, as it enables the integration of planning, costing, sustainability, efficiency and facility management.

Are you looking for a suitable BIM software?
show 1 to 10 (of 10 entries)
SIDOUN Globe - AVA-Software mit Kostenmanagement + Baukalkulation
AVA-Software mit Kostenmanagement und vollständiger MS Excel- und Word Integration
AVA-Software mit Kostenmanagement und vollständiger MS Excel- und Word Integration SIDOUN Globe® will allen an Bauprojekten Beteiligten ein exzellentes Software-Instrument geben, mit dem sie ihr gesamtes Potential und ihre volle Leistungsfähigkeit ausschöpfen können. Die innovative AVA-Software wird von Architekten und Ingenieuren, Baukonzernen, Städten und Kommunen gleichermaßen geschätzt. In stetem Kundenkontakt permanent weiterentwickelt zeichnet sich SIDOUN Globe® vor allem durch Flexibilität und Leistung aus und hat viele Alleinstellungsmerkmale.
Tekla Structures for steel, metal construction, plant engineering
Professional CAD software for 3D steel structures (single/multi-user)
Professional CAD software for 3D steel structures (single/multi-user) Tekla Structures is a particularly powerful 3D CAD software for steel, metal and plant construction, Tekla Structures is widely used internationally and enables users worldwide to effectively create and manage geometrically highly accurate structures, regardless of the material, size or complexity of the structure. Tekla Structures models are suitable for handling the entire construction process, from design to fabrication, erection and construction management. This speeds up the process and eliminates errors ...
Tekla Structures for in-situ concrete, precast concrete, formwork & reinforcemen
Professional CAD software for 3D reinforced concrete structures (single/multi-user)
Professional CAD software for 3D reinforced concrete structures (single/multi-user) Tekla Structures is a powerful 3D CAD and Building Information Modeling software for steel, reinforced concrete and precast concrete construction. The software enables users worldwide to effectively create and manage geometrically highly accurate structures, regardless of the material, size or complexity of the structure. BIM Software Tekla Structures Tekla Structures is a software for Building Information Modeling (BIM). Tekla models are suitable for handling the entire construction process, from design to fabrication, erection and construction management ...
model-oriented and parametric 3D CAD software (BIM)
Free trial version! With the model-oriented 3D CAD software ELITECAD Architecture you playfully develop your BIM ( 3D CAD model ). For this purpose, the complete architecture functionality, such as parametrics for walls, ceilings, windows, roofs, stairs, professional rendering, graphical mass determination, extensive interfaces and libraries are available. The definition of free-form surfaces and the modeling of free 3D bodies are also part of the functionality of the full version. The BIM (Building Information Modeling) can be displayed photorealistically by means of integrated rendering functionality and is represented in floor plans ...
Modern 2D drawing and 3D modeling software, BIM and mechanical engineering CAD software
Modern 2D drawing and 3D modeling software, BIM and mechanical engineering CAD software BricsCAD® BIM - Real BIM in .dwg - The software offers the BricsCAD® BIM workflow, a BIM-capable concept modeler, QUICKDRAW and AUTOMATCH tools, automatic BIM element classification, AI-based PROPAGATE workflow and associative construction documentation.
Trimble Connect - Ready-to-run data for construction
The powerful BIM platform: work anywhere and from any device
The powerful BIM platform: work anywhere and from any device Trimble Connect is a cloud-based BIM platform for construction project collaboration and successful Building Information Modeling. Ensure that all stakeholders have access to exactly the execution-ready data they need at the right time. The platform provides a common project space with all the latest information: Easily and quickly store and view all common model formats. A connector provides even easier access for Tekla, Revit and other applications. In addition, you can store and view all common 2D file formats such as docx, xlsx, pdf, png, etc ...
HiCAD - the powerful 3D CAD system
2D/3D CAD system, integrated industry functions, free and parametric mod.
2D/3D CAD system, integrated industry functions, free and parametric mod. Whether mechanical and plant engineering, sheet metal working, steel or metal construction, every industry has its own requirements for a CAD system. With our HiCAD CAD software, we offer you the all-in-one solution for fast and successful product development in 2D, in 3D and in every industry - even for cross-industry projects. With its hybrid technology, HiCAD is the only CAD system that provides not only 2D and 3D, but also all industry functions and functions for product data management in one system, thus covering all areas of engineering.
ALPI Caneco Implantation
Planning and design of electrical systems in 2D/3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform
Planning and design of electrical systems in 2D/3D on the Autodesk AutoCAD platform Caneco Implantation represents an innovative application that is used in combination with the latest Autodesk® software. The aim is to automatically place and wire electrical equipment in 2D and 3D architectural plans. This advanced solution has been specifically designed for different electrical sectors, including residential, tertiary and industrial. By using Caneco Implantation, you optimize the entire electrical planning process and ensure efficient and precise implementation of your projects.
The BIM CAD software for every way of working.
The BIM CAD software for every way of working. Draw in 2D, design in 3D or use the predefined 3D components to save time (walls, windows, stairs, etc.). With SPIRIT you use a professional CAD software for construction planning - from design to construction and cost planning. Implement 2D and 3D designs intuitively. Implement BIM! Teamwork through open interfaces - compatibility with other software.
The optimal AVA software for your successful BIM process.
The optimal AVA software for your successful BIM process. With AVANTI, you can optimize your BIM process and maximize efficiency. You can determine the project costs. In addition, you have the option of creating your own knowledge database to obtain a comprehensive cost overview in the early service phases. This knowledge database can be seamlessly combined with current data from Sirados, STLB-Bau or BKI. A unique feature of AVANTI is the integrated GRAVA tool for graphical quantity takeoff, which is not available in any other AVA software.
show 1 to 10 (of 10 entries)

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