Current market overview of BIM software. BIM stands for Building Information Modeling. It is a method for planning, executing and managing construction projects with the help of computer-aided 3D models. Building Information Modeling (BIM) aims to avoid delays and cost overruns, especially on large projects.
In addition to 3D modeling, BIM software supports the integration of different types of data, including geometric, temporal, financial and legal information. BIM-Software ermöglicht die Identifizierung von Kollisionen und Konflikten zwischen verschiedenen Bauteilen oder Gewerken im 3D-Modell. Sie kann dazu eingesetzt werden, um automatisch Mengen und Kosten von Bauteilen und Materialien zu berechnen und ermöglicht u.a. die Erstellung von Bauzeitplänen und die Visualisierung des zeitlichen Ablaufs eines Bauprojekts. BIM-Software unterstützt die Bewertung der Energieeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit eines Gebäudes. BIM-Software ermöglicht in der Regel eine verbesserte Zusammenarbeit und Kommunikation zwischen den verschiedenen Projektbeteiligten. Sämtliche Informationen sind zentral verfügbar, was die Effizienz der Zusammenarbeit erhöht. BIM is a central component in the digital transformation of the construction industry, as it enables the integration of planning, costing, sustainability, efficiency and facility management.
BIM is the abbreviation for "Building Information Modeling". It is a process-oriented approach that enables the creation and management of digital representations of the physical and functional properties of buildings or other structures. BIM is more than just the creation of 3D models. By including information about every part or component of a building and integrating it into a common digital model, it is a holistic overall model.
In a BIM model, various aspects of a building, such as geometry, materials, physical properties, costs, schedules and life cycle data, are linked together. This enables comprehensive planning, design, execution and management of buildings throughout their entire life cycle.
By using BIM, various parties involved in the construction process, such as architects, engineers, construction companies and clients, can work together on a digital model, which improves communication, reduces errors and increases the efficiency of the construction process. BIM is increasingly being used in the construction industry worldwide to improve the quality, sustainability and cost-effectiveness of construction projects.
A BIM platform, BIM software or BIM tool is a software application or technological platform specifically designed for the creation, management and collaboration of Building Information Modeling (BIM) projects. This software enables users to create, edit and manage digital models of buildings or other structures by integrating information about various aspects of the structure. When selecting BIM software, it is crucial that all data is combined on a standardized, common platform and that all building components can be related to each other and displayed. BIM programs often do not map the entire construction project, but are designed for sub-areas such as maintenance planning, as a visualization tool, as a BIM tool for dimensioning and calculation or, for example, as a drawing program for architects.
BIM (Building Information Modeling) is not CAD (Computer-Aided Design) software in the traditional sense, although BIM builds on and integrates CAD technologies. CAD software is typically used to create 2D or 3D drawings of construction projects, with a focus on graphical representation. CAD programs allow users to create detailed drawings of building parts or components, but they usually contain limited or no information about the actual physical properties or behavior of these elements in the structure.
BIM goes beyond CAD by not only enabling the graphical representation of building components, but also integrating information about those components. A BIM model stores data about each part or component of a structure, including dimensions, materials, costs, manufacturer data, construction phases, relationships to other components, etc. This data can be used in a BIM model to perform complex analyses, simulations and much more. BIM enables a more comprehensive and inclusive approach to construction project management by enabling better collaboration, efficiency and accuracy throughout the lifecycle of the structure.
A BIM platform comprises various pieces of information that are related to each other.
Interoperability in BIM tools is crucial because it enables collaboration and the smooth exchange of data between different software solutions and project participants.
APIs (Application Programming Interfaces)
Platform-independent formats:
Certifications and test procedures:
BIM programs are used in various areas of the construction industry and construction project management to create, manage and use digital models of buildings or other structures.