SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Isometry creation

Isometry creation

What is meant by Isometry creation?

"Isometric drawing" refers to the process of creating technical drawings or diagrams that show a three-dimensional object in a two-dimensional, axonometric projection. Isometric drawings are essential for accurately depicting objects and structures in various industries such as mechanical engineering, architecture, and construction.

Typical Functions of Software in Isometric Drawing:

  1. 3D Model Import: Import of three-dimensional models into the software for isometric drawing.
  2. Axonometric Projection: Automatic conversion of 3D models into isometric projections.
  3. Drawing Tools: Tools for creating lines, shapes, and annotations in the isometric projection.
  4. Scale Representation: Ability to position objects to scale and proportionally in the isometric view.
  5. Sections and Views: Creation of sectional views or detailed views of the isometric model.
  6. Coloring and Highlighting: Features for highlighting specific areas or adding colors in the isometric drawing.
  7. Export and Printing: Export of isometric drawings in various file formats and printing options.


The function / module Isometry creation belongs to:


2D and 3D construction
bolted joints
CAM System
Column sinking
Component groups
Conjugate heat flow
Detection of curvatures
Effect avoidance
frequency response
heat transfer
Interaction with beams
linear buckling
linear statics
Mapped mesher
Partial construction
Partial dismantling
Partial strands
point, line and area loads
Reuse of constructions
Section creation
Shell thickener
Stability failure
static fatigue
Subgrade reaction modulus method
surface contact
Technical documents, standards
Temperature loads
Tetrahedral refiner
Vibration shapes
Zone management

Software solutions with function or module Isometry creation:

SpriCAD + WinSprink: Hydraulic calculation of sprinkler systems