SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Scanner


What is meant by Scanner?

The "Integration of Scanners" refers to the integration of scanner devices with software applications or computer systems to enable access to the scanner and capture images or documents. This integration allows users to access the scanner directly from within a software application, scan images, and further process or save them in the application.

Typical features of software in the area of "Integration of Scanners" include:

  1. Scanner detection: Automatic detection of scanners connected to the computer and configuration for use.

  2. Scanning from the application: Ability for users to access the scanner directly from within the software application and scan images or documents.

  3. Scan options: Selection of various scan settings such as resolution, color mode, page format, or file format directly from the application.

  4. Preview: Preview of scanned images or documents before the final scan process to ensure they are captured correctly.

  5. Batch processing: Capability to scan multiple documents or images in one go and save them as separate files.

  6. Automation: Automation of scanning tasks through predefined profiles or scripts for recurring scanning scenarios.

  7. Integration: Integration with other applications or systems to directly incorporate scanned images or documents into workflows or databases.


The function / module Scanner belongs to:

Data import

IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Text Recognition/OCR

Contract management

Software solutions with function or module Scanner:

aktefix® digital
ContractHero - Vertragsmanagement
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EASY Contract
EcholoN Service Management Suite
Parsec.NET - complete solution for asset inventory
Show all 29 programs with Scanner