Public holiday management software includes the definition of public holidays, regional holidays or company-specific days off. Administrators can usually add these public holidays to the system in accordance with local laws or company guidelines.
The time recording software automatically takes public holidays into account when calculating working time. Employees do not have to manually enter that they did not work on a public holiday - the software recognizes this automatically. Companies often have different rules for the treatment of working time on public holidays. The software makes it possible to define these rules. For example, it could be specified that overtime pay applies on public holidays or that working time is calculated differently.
Public holiday management can also be linked to vacation and time off management functions. This allows employees to mark public holidays as paid or unpaid days off and makes it easier to plan vacation days around public holidays.
In multinational companies, it is important that the software takes public holidays into account according to the local laws and regulations of each location. The software should therefore be configurable to take into account different public holidays for different locations or countries.