SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Password protection
Password protection

Password protection

What is meant by Password protection?

"Password protection" refers to the security measure aimed at restricting access to specific data, files, applications, or features by using a password. This feature allows users to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access by requiring a password to access the protected resources.

Typical features of software in the area of "password protection" include:

Examples of password protection:



The function / module Password protection belongs to:

Point of Sale (Pos) and cash register


Software solutions with function or module Password protection:

abylon LOGON
Gesicherte Windowsanmeldung und Single Sign-On
myPARM - Multi-project management software
Multi-project management and PPM software
Z1 SecureMail Gateway
Z1 SecureMail Gateway
The market-proven server solution for central e-mail encryption and digital signatures
Software for professional label printing
Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
Modern workplace for perfect teamwork