SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Network plans

Network plans

What is meant by Network plans?

"Network diagrams" refer to graphical representations of network topologies that illustrate the relationships between various network devices, such as computers, servers, routers, and switches, as well as the connections between them. These diagrams are used to visualize and document the structure and configuration of a network.

Typical features of software in the "Network diagrams" area include:

  1. Graphical User Interface (GUI): A user-friendly interface that allows for the creation, customization, and editing of network diagrams.

  2. Drag-and-drop functionality: The ability to easily insert and position network devices and connections into the diagram using drag-and-drop.

  3. Various diagram types: Support for different types of network diagrams, such as logical diagrams, physical diagrams, rack diagrams, etc.

  4. Automatic detection of network devices: Features for automatically detecting network devices and connections to facilitate the diagram creation process.

  5. Customizable symbols and templates: A variety of customizable symbols and templates for network devices to tailor the representation of the network to individual requirements.

  6. Connection lines and labeling: The ability to annotate connections between network devices with different types of lines and labels to indicate the nature of the connection and other relevant information.


The function / module Network plans belongs to:

Project management

IT Asset Management (ITAM)

Application management
Automatic device recognition
Device management
Hardware and software management
Hardware inventory
IT data
IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL)
Lifecycle History
Network devices
Object groups
Performance metrics
Performance monitoring
Registration of mobile systems
Remote maintenance
Scanning of assets
Software licenses
Synchronization scheduling
Threshold alerts

Workflow and process management

"on the fly" changes
Accounting processes
Administration processes
Approval workflow for drafts
Automation workflows
Bot management
Bot planning
Contract approval workflow
Data maintenance
Department-specific masks and processes
Draft process recordings
File processing
Internal communication
Mail processing
Modeling workflow
Process and form design
Process control
Process hierarchies
Process intelligence
Process interface
Procurement workflow
Purchasing optimization
Release and approval workflows
Rule-based exception handling
Scheduled workflows
Separate work environments
Start a bot process
Start of processes
Statistical process control (SPC)
Workflow optimization

Software solutions with function or module Network plans:

EcholoN Service Management Suite
PLANTA portfolio
PLANTA project - Agile and Classical Project Management
SO3 - Project Management & Engineering