SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Coding and tagging wizard

Coding and tagging wizard

What is meant by Coding and tagging wizard?

A "Coding and Tagging Assistant" is a software feature that helps users to annotate content, data, or files with appropriate codes or tags. This can help improve the organization and structuring of information, facilitate search, and increase accuracy in assigning content to specific categories or topics.

Typical functions of software in the "Coding and Tagging Assistant" area could include:

  1. Automatic coding and tagging: Automatically assigning codes or tags to content based on algorithms, classification models, or predefined rules.

  2. Suggestions and recommendations: Providing suggestions or recommendations for codes or tags based on the content or characteristics of the files.

  3. Custom coding: Ability for users to create their own codes or tags and manually assign them to the content.

  4. Integration with metadata: Integration with metadata systems to automatically extract and use information about content to assign codes or tags.

  5. Review and validation: Mechanisms for reviewing and validating assigned codes or tags to ensure they are correct and comply with guidelines.

  6. Search and filtering functions: Search and filtering capabilities based on the assigned codes or tags to quickly and efficiently find content.


The function / module Coding and tagging wizard belongs to:

Archiving and indexing

Software solutions with function or module Coding and tagging wizard:

CAQ.Net - Quality Management Software Solutions
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
N5-Solutions - Documents