SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Web client for printing

Web client for printing

What is meant by Web client for printing?

A "web client for printing" is a software solution that allows users to manage and submit print jobs over the internet. Typically, this type of software provides a user-friendly interface through which users can control their print jobs directly from their web browser without needing to install additional software.

Typical features of software in the "web client for printing" domain include:

  1. File Upload: Users can upload their print files directly through the web client.

  2. Document Preview: The software provides a preview function for users to review their uploaded files before submitting the print job.

  3. Printing Options: Users can select various printing options such as paper size, color settings, and page layout.

  4. Print Job Management: Users can view and manage their current and past print jobs, including the status of orders and job history.

  5. Order Processing: The software allows users to place their print orders directly through the web client and enter payment information.

  6. Notifications: Users receive notifications about the status of their print jobs, such as order confirmation, printing start, and shipping information.

  7. User Account Management: Users can manage their personal information such as addresses, payment details, and preferred settings.

The function / module Web client for printing belongs to:

Lists, reports


Software solutions with function or module Web client for printing:

co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
The auditable, complete and modular Quality, Compliance and Riskmanagement application
InterRed: Multi Channel Publishing
PPS ERP for manufacturing companies with focus on production control
4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
One software 4ALL data! save resources ✔ increase revenue ✔ with PIM & DAM
Marketing Resource Management Software für Multi Channel Aktivitäten
PANSITE - Content Management System (CMS)
Powerful content management system - for complex websites and intranet presences