SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Color management

Color management

What is meant by Color management?

"Color management" refers to the management and control of colors in a digital workflow to ensure that colors are consistent and accurate across different devices and applications. The goal of color management is to achieve as accurate color reproduction of images as possible, whether they are displayed on a screen or printed on a printer.

Typical features of software in the realm of "color management" include:

  1. Color profile assignment: The software allows users to assign color profiles for input and output devices to ensure that colors are interpreted and reproduced correctly.

  2. Softproofing: This feature allows users to preview the effects of color profiles on the final product, such as how an image will appear on a specific printer or monitor.

  3. Color calibration: The software provides tools for calibrating monitors, printers, and other devices to ensure they accurately reproduce colors and remain consistent.

  4. Color conversion: Users can perform color conversions between different color spaces or color profiles to ensure that colors remain consistent across different devices.

  5. Automated workflows: The software can provide automated workflows for color management to streamline the process of color adjustment and calibration, increasing productivity.


The function / module Color management belongs to:

Lists, reports

1:n reports
Annual reports
Article analysis
Article hit and rivet lists
Article hit list
Autofax function
Backorder lists
Bill of material explosion
Budget monitoring lists
Bundle print jobs
Capacity evaluations
Cash register reports
Collection slips
Collective editing
Cost and revenue lists
Customer evaluations
Deformation plots
different printing systems
Financial reporting
Income and expenditure history
Instant messages
Insurance lists
Interface for printers
Invoice printing
Learning steps
Mailing lists
Map printing
Mobile receipt printing
Monthly tickets
Network Statistics
Order production list
Parts list management
Plot jobs
Point motions
Posting list
preview and duplex printing
Price list and currency wizards
Print archive
Print workflow
Pro forma invoices and credit notes
Processing of order production lists
Receipt printing
Requirement lists
Risk priority number rankings (RPN)
Role-based reporting
Room Report
Sales lists
separate evaluation
Shift histories and production reports
Signature lists
Standard evaluations
Totals and balances

Image processing

Software solutions with function or module Color management:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management
4ALLPORTAL- DAM Software - Digital Asset Management