SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Sample contracts

Sample contracts

What is meant by Sample contracts?

"Template contracts" are pre-formulated contract documents that typically contain standardized terms, clauses, and legal provisions applicable to specific types of transactions, agreements, or business relationships. These template documents serve as a template or starting point for creating individual contracts that meet the specific requirements and agreements of the parties involved.

Typical functions of software in the area of "template contracts" could include:



The function / module Sample contracts belongs to:

Contract management

Software solutions with function or module Sample contracts:

audius:Finance for financial service providers
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
EASY Contract
Improve QM-Software
Ready2Go Intranet
rexx Enterprise Recruitment - Applicant Management Software
rexx HR - 360°-Feedback
rexx HR - Personnel Management / Digital File
Sage HR Suite
Show all 21 programs with Sample contracts