SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Product characteristics

Product characteristics

What is meant by Product characteristics?

Product characteristics refer to specific characteristics or attributes of products, goods, or other material objects. In business software, this term denotes the management and organization of these attributes to clearly define, categorize, and distinguish products.

Typical features of software in the "Product characteristics" area include:

  1. Attribute Management:

    • Capture and maintenance of attributes that describe products or goods, such as size, color, material, weight, or other technical specifications.
  2. Classification and Hierarchy:

    • Structuring Sachmerkmale into hierarchical categories or classifications to ensure consistent and logical order.
  3. Variant Management:

    • Management of product variants based on different combinations of Sachmerkmale, such as configurations for various market segments or customer preferences.
  4. Search and Filtering Functions:

    • Providing search and filter options that allow users to quickly find and compare products based on specific Sachmerkmale.
  5. Integration with Other Systems:

    • Exchange of attribute information with other enterprise systems such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or CRM (Customer Relationship Management) to ensure consistent data.
  6. Analysis and Reporting:

    • Analysis of Sachmerkmale to identify sales trends, inventory management, and other business-relevant analyses.


The function / module Product characteristics belongs to:

Inventory management and control

Safety and health protection

Software solutions with function or module Product characteristics:

4ALLPORTAL - PIM Software - Product Information Management