SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Stock access

Stock access

What is meant by Stock access?

The term "Lagerzugriff" refers to the ability to access the inventory and resources of a warehouse, whether for storing goods, picking orders, or conducting inventories.

Typical functions of software in the "Lagerzugriff" area include:

  1. Inventory management: The software enables tracking and management of warehouse inventory, including storing new goods, monitoring warehouse movements, and updating inventory data.

  2. Order processing: Users can select, process, and ship orders by accessing the stocks available in the warehouse and assembling them according to customer orders.

  3. Warehouse location management: The software provides features for managing warehouse locations and areas to ensure efficient access to stored items and to organize storage according to logical criteria.

  4. Inventory management: Tools are provided to conduct regular inventories, identify and correct inventory discrepancies, and maintain accurate inventory records.

  5. Reporting and analysis: The software generates reports on warehouse activities, inventory movements, order status, and warehouse utilization to gain insights into warehouse performance and efficiency.


The function / module Stock access belongs to:

Warehouse management

Inventory management and control

Software solutions with function or module Stock access:

ERP system: Bison Process Retail (x-trade)
microtech büro+
Orgasoft.NET Anywhere
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
Sage 100
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
TaxMetall - ERP • PPS
Show all 21 programs with Stock access