SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Stock access

Stock access

What is meant by Stock access?

The term "Lagerzugriff" refers to the ability to access the inventory and resources of a warehouse, whether for storing goods, picking orders, or conducting inventories.

Typical functions of software in the "Lagerzugriff" area include:

  1. Inventory management: The software enables tracking and management of warehouse inventory, including storing new goods, monitoring warehouse movements, and updating inventory data.

  2. Order processing: Users can select, process, and ship orders by accessing the stocks available in the warehouse and assembling them according to customer orders.

  3. Warehouse location management: The software provides features for managing warehouse locations and areas to ensure efficient access to stored items and to organize storage according to logical criteria.

  4. Inventory management: Tools are provided to conduct regular inventories, identify and correct inventory discrepancies, and maintain accurate inventory records.

  5. Reporting and analysis: The software generates reports on warehouse activities, inventory movements, order status, and warehouse utilization to gain insights into warehouse performance and efficiency.


The function / module Stock access belongs to:

Warehouse management

Block storage management
Component management
Consignment stock
Empties management
Multi-stock capability
Pallet management
Picking warehouse
Stock strategies (FIFO, LIFO, FEFO)
Warehouse functions
Warehouse performance
Warehouse technology

Inventory management and control

Accessories acquisition
article and article group data
article data
Article master data maintenance
Article number access
Availability check
Change article groups
Expiration date
Follow-up articles
Item Capture
Item properties
Material group management
Product characteristics
Product information
Stacking interfaces (Bufü)

Software solutions with function or module Stock access:

ERP system: Bison Process Retail (x-trade)
Orgasoft.NET Anywhere
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
TaxMetall - ERP • PPS
Warehouse Solutions (warehouse management system, BetterStore, BetterPick)