SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Multiple voice channels

Multiple voice channels

What is meant by Multiple voice channels?

The term "Multiple Voice Channels" refers to the capability of a communication system to handle multiple simultaneous phone calls. Each voice channel represents a single phone conversation. A system with multiple voice channels thus allows the management of several calls at once, which is especially important in call centers and companies with high communication volumes.

Typical software functions in the area of "Multiple Voice Channels":

  1. Simultaneous Ringing: Enables receiving and forwarding multiple calls at the same time.
  2. Call Forwarding: Automatically forwards incoming calls to available channels or employees.
  3. Call Monitoring: Real-time monitoring of active conversations for quality assurance and training purposes.
  4. Call Logging: Recording and storing all calls for later analysis and review.
  5. Conference Calling: Conducting multi-party calls by bundling several voice channels.
  6. IVR (Interactive Voice Response): Automated systems that route calls to different channels based on caller input.

Examples of "Multiple Voice Channels":

  1. Call Center: A call center with 50 voice channels can handle up to 50 calls simultaneously.
  2. Helpdesk: A technical support helpdesk that manages multiple incoming requests at the same time.
  3. Corporate Headquarters: A corporate headquarters coordinating multiple departments and external calls simultaneously.
  4. Conference Systems: Systems that connect multiple participants in a phone conference.
  5. Customer Service: A customer service system handling multiple customer inquiries in parallel and routing them appropriately.


The function / module Multiple voice channels belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Multiple voice channels:

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