SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Travel requests, approvals

Travel requests, approvals

What is meant by Travel requests, approvals?

"Travel Request Management, Approvals" refers to the process within a company where employees need to formally request approval before undertaking business trips, which are then reviewed and approved by relevant supervisors or approval authorities.

Typical functions of software in the "Travel Request Management, Approvals" domain include:

  1. Travel Request Submission: Employees can create electronic travel requests, providing information such as destination, duration, estimated costs, and the purpose of the trip.

  2. Approval Workflow: The software enables the definition and automation of approval workflows, routing travel requests to the appropriate supervisors or approval authorities.

  3. Approval Status Tracking: Employees can track the current status of their travel requests to know whether they have been approved, rejected, or are still in progress.

  4. Budget Control: The software can monitor budget limits for travel and ensure that planned expenses are within the company's guidelines.

The function / module Travel requests, approvals belongs to:

Personnel planning

Agent rules
employment planning
Job planning
Multi-stage plan approval processes
Personnel development planning
Personnel key figures
Sales employee management
Work area management
Working time models

Travel expenses

Business trips and customer visits
Domestic and international travel
Foreign travel, foreign currency
Processing travel expenses
Travel expense advance
Travel expense flat rates
Travel expense rates
Travel expense recording
Travel expenses
Trip and journey templates

Software solutions with function or module Travel requests, approvals:

myPARM - Multi-project management software
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
rexx HR - Vacation Manager
Sage HR Suite
TimO project management, time tracking, capacity manag. and controling
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