SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Service specifications

Service specifications

What is meant by Service specifications?

A service specifications is a document that contains detailed information about the requirements, specifications, and deliverables for a particular project, service, or product.

Functions of the service specifications:

Advantages of the service specifications:

Possible uses of the service specifications:

Service specifications are an important tool in various industries and sectors to ensure that projects and services meet desired requirements. They contribute to clarity, efficiency and legal certainty in the execution of projects and procurement processes.

The function / module Service specifications belongs to:

Tenders and bills of quantities (BOS)

Center of gravity positions
Contract file
Data fields for advertisements
EFB forms
Functional tender building construction
Import interfaces for bills of quantities
Lot formation
LV according to GAEB standard
Quantity determination
Requirement and functional specification
Room book
Terms and validity periods
Title Lot Outline

Software solutions with function or module Service specifications:

co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen