SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Requirements management

Requirements management

What is meant by Requirements management?

Requirements management is an important process in software development, project management, and various other industries. It deals with identifying, capturing, managing, and communicating requirements that apply to a project or initiative.

Requirements Management Functions:

Benefits of requirements management:

Uses of requirements management:

The function / module Requirements management belongs to:

Tenders and bills of quantities (BOS)

Center of gravity positions
Contract file
Data fields for advertisements
EFB forms
Functional tender building construction
Import interfaces for bills of quantities
Lot formation
LV according to GAEB standard
Quantity determination
Requirement and functional specification
Room book
Terms and validity periods
Title Lot Outline

Software solutions with function or module Requirements management:

Cobalt ToDo Manager for HCL Notes & Domino
co_suite - Qualitäts-/ Risikomanagement, CAPA, Beschwerde, Dokumente, Ideen
e1ns | FMEA in the Cloud
iqs CAQ system
Klaros Test Management
myPARM - Multi-project management software
objectiF RPM
Projektron BCS - Web-based project management software
SO3 - Project Management & Engineering