SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Actual stock entry

Actual stock entry

What is meant by Actual stock entry?

The "actual inventory capture" refers to the process of capturing the real or current inventory levels of a company or organization at a specific point in time. This involves accurately recording the physical stock in the warehouse facilities and reconciling it with the inventory recorded in the company's software or records. This allows for the identification of discrepancies and ensures an accurate understanding of the current inventory levels.

Typical functions of software in the area of "actual inventory capture" include:

  1. Barcode scanning: Utilizing barcode or RFID technology for quick and accurate capturing of items or products in the warehouse.

  2. Mobile data capture: Ability to capture inventory using mobile devices such as smartphones or tablets to enable flexible and efficient inventory capture.

  3. Inventory reconciliation: Comparing the captured actual inventory with the expected inventory in the software to identify and correct discrepancies.

  4. Real-time updating: Instant updating of inventory data in real-time to provide a current overview of the inventory.


The function / module Actual stock entry belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Actual stock entry:

Orgasoft.NET Anywhere
Parsec.NET - complete solution for asset inventory