Software > Services > Travel Agencies, Tour Operator

Travel Agencies Software, Tour Operator Software

Current market overview of industry software, software and solutions for travel agencies and tour operators. The software usually supports the collection and management of master data (e.g. customers, hotels, rental cars, flights, excursions), accounting preparation, often offers modules for the transfer of flight schedules from e.g. Sabre, Worldspan, Amadeus or Galileo and helps with the preparation of offers with individual travel itineraries.

The travel agency software usually offers a CRS interface (computer reservation system) to be able to transfer booked data directly from a CRS. An essential component of online travel agency software is the Internet Booking Engine (IBE), which is used to reserve travel services and must usually be permanently connected to a CRS in order to be able to check prices and vacancies in real time. Travel agency software also offers, among other things, options for automatic fixed booking and commission planning and accounting, and supports marketing.

Are you looking for a suitable software for travel agencies?
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Tour operator software, complete solution (FIT travel, groups, events, web module, CMS)
Tour operator software, complete solution (FIT travel, groups, events, web module, CMS) TOUR32 is a state-of-the-art tour operator software that is specially tailored to the needs of travel agencies and tour operators. The software includes all the features required to successfully market and manage travel. TOUR32 is the ideal solution for travel agencies looking to take their business to the next level.
isiplan RV - Spezial-Software für die Vermietbranche
Software zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans, Baumaschinen, Anhängern, Transportern
isiplan RV ist eine cloudbasierte Software, mit der Sie Ihr Vermietgeschäft einfach und effizient ausführen. isiplan eignet sich zur Vermietung von Wohnmobilen, Caravans aber auch für Baumaschinen, Anhänger, Motorräder, Transporter, LKW, Hüpfburgen, Ferienwohnungen und Boote. Herzstück ist eine grafische Disposition mit der der gesamte Vermietvorgang abgewickelt wird. Die Software ist intuitiv zu bedienen und wird permanent weiterentwickelt. Verschlüsselung, Berechtigungsverwaltung und Passwortschutz sorgen für hohe Sicherheit. isiplan RV ist mandantenfähig und mehrsprachig. Alle Drucke (Mietverträge, Übergabe- und Rücknahme-Protokoll, ...) können individuell gestaltet werden.
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