Software > Production, Procurement > Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)

Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Software

OEE (Overall equipment effectiveness) is a key figure in production and is used as a measure of the value added by a plant. This key figure is an indication of the effective use of the equipment, taking into account its availability, its performance and the quality achieved. OEE can be used to determine and, if necessary, improve the productivity of a plant (machines, production cells, assembly lines, etc.) as well as its losses, profitability and overall effectiveness. The software listed in this SoftGuide section on the subject of OEE provides support in the ongoing measurement of plant productivity, helps to identify the causes of faults and losses, and implements targeted measures for optimization. The software usually offers analyses of MTBF, MTTR and MTBM and provides OEE calculations.

Are you looking for a suitable overall equipment effectiveness software?
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OEE Analyser
Productivity analysis and performance parameters of machines
Productivity analysis and performance parameters of machines Der OEE Analyser ermittelt automatisch und in Echtzeit diverse Leistungskennzahlen von Produktionsanlagen unterschiedlichster Art. Die Anbindung an die Anlagen ist sehr einfach. Die automatische Arbeitsweise liefert genaue Ergebnisse und erfordert keinen zusätzlichen Personalaufwand. Der OEE Analyser ist rasch installiert und betriebsbereit. Schon nach wenigen Stunden Vorbereitungsarbeit werden erste Ergebnisdaten sichtbar.
Cosmino Panteo - PDA and MES software
The overall equipment effectiveness OEE evaluates the productivity of machines and systems
The overall equipment effectiveness OEE evaluates the productivity of machines and systems The focus of the analysis should not be on the key figure itself, but on the recorded losses, i.e. the times that have led to an OEE of less than 100% being achieved. The entire running time of a machine must be recorded. The recording should take place in the production cycle if possible, i.e. if a problem occurs, it must be recorded immediately. Otherwise, particularly short but regular malfunctions will go unnoticed, resulting in a false picture of production.
The MES for Industry 4.0
The MES for Industry 4.0 The MES FACTORYMINER offers, among other things, an OEE evaluation with a trend evaluation of individual machine states, Pareto analysis of downtimes and faults, OEE benchmark across machines, trend display of the OEE key figure including losses and, for example, the analysis of process data. All analyses can be carried out over freely definable time periods and with a wide variety of filter criteria. Available filter criteria include shifts, order numbers, machines and machine groups, shift teams, product groups and products.
COAGO MES - Manufacturing Execution/Shop Floor System
COAGO MES - Manufacturing Execution/Shop Floor System COAGO MES - Manufacturing Execution System for roll production and converting. The industry solution for manufacturing execution system (MES) and production data acquisition (PDA) for manufacturers, converters and finishers of films (foil), paper, cardboard, textile (textiles), nonwovens, composites, packaging, plastics industry, process industry and all web-, roll- and format-shaped products. Industry 4.0 can be experienced with the industry solution COAGO MES from GRASS. This is because the system integrates the ERP worlds with the production and machine levels ...
firstaudit by flowdit - Audit, Inspection & more
firstaudit: Optimize your OEE for maximum plant efficiency
firstaudit: Optimize your OEE for maximum plant efficiency Increase the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in your company with firstaudit. Our customized solution helps you to monitor and improve availability, performance and quality. Record critical data precisely and increase the productivity and efficiency of your systems.
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics and process industry
Industry software and ERP solution for the plastics and process industry With 25 years of experience in the manufacturing industry, MODUS INDUSTRY software is specifically tailored to the plastics processing industry. Benefit from the digitalization of your processes and connect data, systems and machines to optimize your production processes. The modular system based on Microsoft Dynamics can be easily adapted to specific requirements.
cronetwork Plant Data & Shop Floor Management
Production data acquisition - integrated with cronet machine data, detailed planning, pers
cronetwork Plant Data & Shop Floor Management brings transparency to your production. It provides the foreman and the production employee with a customized application. Due to the extensive check during data entry, a high data quality is achieved and the user is thus relieved. cronetwork betriebsdaten visual: visual gives the foreman a complete overview of his production unit at the push of a button. He sees which order is being processed where and by whom, the progress and the order stock for the production units ...
Syncos MES
Software for CAQ BDE MDE MES
As standard, SYNCOS MES provides you with detailed evaluations (OLAP) of all relevant process influencing variables for OEE analysis. To do this, SYNCOS MES records automated feedback from the systems and machines (MDE) as well as manual feedback (BDE) and determines the required key figures using standardized calculation formulas and evaluations in accordance with the VDMA standard sheet DIN 66412-1. Links, sets of rules or dependencies are freely configurable, as is the layout of the reports and OLAP analyses. Using drill-down functions, you can also immediately see where the “cause of the problem” can be found in your process or in the company.
Process Simulator
Process Simulator makes it easy to simulate processes, workflows and value streams
Process Simulator makes it easy to simulate processes, workflows and value streams Use Process Simulator to simulate processes and calculate your Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE). Visualise, analyse and optimise your processes directly in the familiar Microsoft Visio environment. Transform your workflows, value streams and business processes into dynamic, graphically appealing simulation models. Reduce the time it takes to find solutions. Process Simulator helps you discover bottlenecks, overcapacity and weaknesses in your processes and validate solutions without risk based on the calculated OEE values.
Intelligent solution for the digitalization of operating processes.
Intelligent solution for the digitalization of operating processes. Transparent production processes sustainably increase a company's profit and strengthen its resilience in challenging times. How productive is your manufacturing? Today, an ERP system is part of the standard software and supports you in materials management. But does an ERP tell you about productivity, plant and machine availability or personnel expenses? With SMARTR.factory you integrate all data of the store floor and create the necessary transparency for a continuous improvement process. From employee time recording on the production line to the integration of existing plants and machines ...
show 1 to 10 (of 10 software programs)

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