SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Consolidation


What is meant by Consolidation?

Consolidation refers to the process of combining the financial statements of multiple subsidiaries or business units of a company into a single, unified group financial statement. The goal is to provide an overall view of the financial position and performance of the entire group by eliminating internal transactions and aggregating the individual financial data.

Types of Consolidation

  1. Full Consolidation: In this method, the assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenues of the subsidiaries are fully included in the group financial statements. This method is applied when the parent company has control over the subsidiary.
  2. Proportional Consolidation: Here, the proportion of assets, liabilities, expenses, and revenues corresponding to the parent company's ownership interest is consolidated. This method is used when there is joint control by several companies.
  3. Equity Method: This method is used when the parent company has significant influence over the subsidiary but does not have full control. The ownership interest in the subsidiary's equity is reflected in the parent company's balance sheet.

Typical Features of Consolidation Software

  1. Data Integration: Automatic capture and aggregation of financial data from various subsidiaries and business units.
  2. Intercompany Reconciliation: Identification and elimination of intercompany transactions and balances.
  3. Currency Translation: Translation of financial data into a single reporting currency to facilitate consolidation.
  4. Reporting: Generation of consolidated financial statements and reports according to various accounting standards (e.g., IFRS, US GAAP).
  5. Compliance: Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements in the preparation of consolidated financial statements.
  6. Automation: Automation of recurring consolidation processes to increase efficiency and reduce errors.
  7. Audit Trail: Traceability and documentation of all consolidation steps and adjustments to ensure auditability.
  8. Analysis Tools: Provision of analysis tools for reviewing and analyzing consolidated financial data.


The function / module Consolidation belongs to:

Annual financial statement and balance sheet

Software solutions with function or module Consolidation:

CIO Cockpit
Corporate Planner
Diamant/4 Corporate Accounting