Software > IT Security > Access Control and Authorization

Access Control and Authorization Software

In this SoftGuide section, you will find an overview of software and solutions on the topic of access control and authorizatio. The software listed here are generally used in the context of data protection for monitoring and correcting defaults for file access rights or system access rights, and offers, among other things, RACF profile management, security auditing and continuous monitoring, depending on the program solution. Administrators can use these tools to manage complex networks consisting of multiple servers and workstations directly from a workstation.

Are you looking for a suitable access control or authorization software?
show 1 to 6 (of 6 software programs)
tenfold - Next Generation Access Management
tenfold - Next Generation Access Management
tenfold - Next Generation Access Management tenfold is a powerful and user-friendly identity and access management software. Managing access rights has never been easier! Organize your file servers: tenfold is perfectly tailored to meet the demands of Microsoft environments. The software creates all Active Directory accounts automatically and builds the necessary access structures in accordance with best practices right from the start. Data owners are included into specified workflows. tenfold helps you maintain control over who has access to which folders at any time.
FLINTEC IT - Mobile access and door status monitoring
App for mobile access control and wireless door status monitoring
App for mobile access control and wireless door status monitoring The Flintec app controls access (locking and unlocking of Smart Locks) and monitors door status changes (opening and closing of doors) in real time. Flintec has developed the app for smartphones, tablets and Flintec SmartGate with Android operating system. The Flintec app is used to control access and monitor door status changes. Mobile, online and wireless.
USB token for security solution providers
USB token for security solution providers Solutions for eBusiness, financial transactions and subscription services require reliable user authentication and secure transmission channels. This requirement can be met by combining client authentication based on certificates and SSL transmission.
Business Rules (RBAC): Ensuring Data Security with Secure Cloud Access
Business Rules (RBAC): Ensuring Data Security with Secure Cloud Access Thanks to freely definable business rules, you can ensure uniform, consistent and transparent assignment of systems and authorizations to your users. The assignment is based, for example, on the user's location and function within the organization (role-based authorization assignment, RBAC). In this way, each user only receives the authorizations he or she needs to perform his or her tasks (Principle of Least Use). This limits potential security gaps, reduces the risk of data loss, and helps your organization pass audits more easily.
caLa vCE
Administration software for school networks
caLa vCE includes a graphical user interface with which all the didactic functions required of an educational network can be implemented. Cross-class courses, projects or lectures can be managed. Various services such as Internet, printing, drives and ports can be blocked or released. There are also features for automated user import, individual assignment of rights or manual creation of individual users.
abylon LOGON
Gesicherte Windowsanmeldung und Single Sign-On
Gesicherte Windowsanmeldung und Single Sign-On The abylon LOGON software is offered in three variants and enables secure logon to the Windows computer (credential provider) and other logon screens (SSO). Smart cards, RFID radio chip cards, USB sticks, Bluetooth devices or CDs/DVDs can be used as hardware keys (security tokens) for login. When the hardware key is removed, the computer is automatically locked, logged off or shut down. The software increases security with increased convenience.
show 1 to 6 (of 6 software programs)

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