SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Order forecast

Order forecast

What is meant by Order forecast?

"Order Forecast" refers to the prediction or forecast of future order quantities or requirements for products or materials. These forecasts are based on historical data, trends, market analysis, and other relevant factors to more accurately predict demand and optimize order planning.

Typical functions of software in the "Order Forecast" area are:

  1. Data Analysis and Processing:

    • Analysis of historical sales data, orders, and other relevant information to generate forecasts.
    • Integration of data from various sources such as sales systems, inventory management systems, and supplier information.
  2. Forecast Algorithms:

    • Use of forecasting algorithms and statistical methods such as time series analysis, regression analysis, or neural networks to create accurate predictions.
    • Customization of algorithms for specific industries, products, or markets.
  3. Parameter Adjustment:

    • Adjustment of parameters for the forecasting models based on business rules, seasonal patterns, and other influencing factors.
    • Automatic adjustment of parameters based on feedback and learning capabilities of the software.
  4. Visualization of Forecasts:

    • Presentation of forecast results in the form of charts, graphs, or dashboards for easy-to-understand visualization.
    • Visualization of forecasts over different time periods to identify trends and seasonal fluctuations.
  5. Real-time Updates:

    • Real-time updating of forecasts based on new data or changing market conditions.
    • Notifications or alerts for deviations between forecasts and actual orders.


The function / module Order forecast belongs to:

Determination of requirements

Software solutions with function or module Order forecast:

audius:CRM+ERP for production and trade
OTEC -- ERP / PPS Software for Surface Finishing Technologies
SOG ERP, WMS und E-Shop
Supply-Monitor™ - Software solution for supplier management