The Supply Monitor maps the entire supplier process for your company. By registering via a web-based form, potential suppliers can apply. This registration then automatically triggers a pre-qualification process that is controlled via the database.
The development of the suppliers is supported by the Supply Monitor™ by means of methodical scheduling and action planning as well as continuous monitoring of the status (Dispo Monitor) and the results of these actions.
The central document and contract management makes the Dispo Monitor the most important source of information for purchasing. Documents can be stored in the database as desired and easily linked. They can be retrieved there by everyone. You can freely adapt the entry forms for suppliers and also include processes such as complaints management in them. Supplier management is complemented by ongoing supplier controlling with spend analysis and supplier evaluation.
Organise your pool of suppliers (addresses, contracts, certifications, complaints, etc.) centrally on one platform - the Supply Monitor™. You are free to set up the structure of this dispo monitor according to your requirements and needs.
You as a buyer and the suppliers have joint access to all documents and information provided in the supplier portal. This shared access to the portal is essential for the qualification (pre- and re-qualification) of the suppliers. An essential component of the Supply Monitor are the functions for warning of deviations such as the expiry of certificates and contracts by means of traffic light colours or automatic e-mails.
Depending on the task, there are freely configurable entry and processing masks for your complaint management. Data can of course also be transferred from existing systems via interfaces. The complaint data is immediately available for analysis and for the creation of reports.
Via web services, you can supplement your risk management with additional external information (creditworthiness data, exchange rates, commodity prices, etc.). You also have the option of entering risks manually via forms.
Beyond supplier management, the Supply Monitor offers all tools and contents for the implementation of your commodity group management. Supplier management and commodity group management from a single source: flexibility in terms of content and functionality make the supply monitor your central purchasing information system.
Your benefit for immediate ROI:
The Supply Monitor is fully integrated into the SC-Manager, the software suite for controlling your supply chain. Standard interfaces to SAP and other ERP and QA systems are available. The previous supplier management Excel sheet can of course also be imported.
Product videos, webinars and more info on our pages and on our YouTube channel or you can contact us directly.