SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Idea competitions

Idea competitions

What is meant by Idea competitions?

"Idea competitions" are events or initiatives where individuals or groups are invited to submit creative ideas or proposals on a specific topic or challenge. These competitions are often organized by companies, organizations, or public institutions to foster innovation, generate problem-solving solutions, or develop new products and services.

Typical functions of software in the "idea competitions" area include:

  1. Idea submission: Ability for participants to digitally submit their ideas or proposals via the software, often in the form of text, images, videos, or presentations.

  2. Evaluation system: Implementation of an evaluation system that allows users to review, comment, and rate submitted ideas based on predefined criteria such as originality, feasibility, and relevance.

  3. Moderation and management: Tools for moderating and managing submitted ideas, including the ability to review, approve, or reject ideas, as well as manage and communicate with users.

  4. Voting and rankings: Features for conducting voting or evaluations by the community or a jury to select the best ideas and create rankings.

  5. Communication and collaboration: Support for communication and collaboration among participants, organizers, and other stakeholders to facilitate the exchange of feedback, ideas, and resources.

  6. Rewards and incentives: Integration of rewards or incentives for participants to promote and motivate high-quality ideas, such as prizes, awards, or public recognition.

  7. Reporting and analysis: Provision of reports and analytics on the progress of the competition, the quality of submitted ideas, and the performance of participants to gain insights and evaluate the success of the competition.


The function / module Idea competitions belongs to:

Improvement suggestion system

Software solutions with function or module Idea competitions: