SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Yard Management

Yard Management

What is meant by Yard Management?

Yard Management, also known as dock and yard management or parking space management, refers to the organization of processes and operations in front of the loading dock in logistics. This includes the area where trucks arrive, wait, load, and depart. Yard management bridges the gap between transportation and warehouse logistics, aiming to streamline these processes in a time-saving and cost-effective manner.

Software for yard management includes features such as:

The function / module Yard Management belongs to:

Car management, fleet management

Container Management
Driver management
Driver's license check
Fleet management
Freight database
Freight summary
Industrial trucks
Lease management
Load movements
Load optimization
Location tracking
Timetable creation
Tire storage
Vehicle configurator
Vehicle cost centers
Vehicle management

Software solutions with function or module Yard Management:

CODieBOARD# maritime-management-center (CB#mmc)