SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Single-user version

Single-user version

What is meant by Single-user version?

A "single-user version" refers to a software license intended for installation and use on a single computer or device.

Typical features of software in the "single-user version" area include:

  1. Installation on a single device: The software can only be installed and used on a single computer or workstation.

  2. Local data storage: All software data and settings are stored locally on the device where the single-user version is installed.

  3. Single-user licensing: The licensing agreement permits only the use of the software on a single device and prohibits simultaneous installation or usage on multiple devices.

  4. Full functionality: The single-user version typically offers the full functionality of the software without restrictions on features or performance.

  5. Network usage restrictions: The software is not designed for use in network environments and therefore does not provide features for sharing data or resources among multiple users.


The function / module Single-user version belongs to:


Software solutions with function or module Single-user version: