The carbon footprint refers to the measurement and assessment of the amount of carbon dioxide emissions caused by a specific activity, company, product, or process.
Typical functions of software in the CO2 balance domain include:
Data Collection: Gathering relevant data on energy consumption, transportation, production, and other activities that generate CO2 emissions.
Calculation Algorithms: Using algorithms to calculate CO2 emissions based on the collected data and emission factors.
Analysis Tools: Analyzing the CO2 balance to identify hotspots and opportunities for emission reduction.
Reporting: Generating reports and dashboards that represent the CO2 emissions and their evolution over time.
Benchmarking: Comparing the CO2 balance with industry standards or comparable organizations to assess performance.
Compliance Monitoring: Monitoring compliance with CO2 emission standards and regulations.
Action Planning: Providing recommendations and actions to reduce CO2 emissions and improve the CO2 balance.