SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Meeting room booking

Meeting room booking

What is meant by Meeting room booking?

"Meeting room booking" refers to a system for reserving and managing conference and meeting rooms in companies or office buildings. It allows employees to book and organize rooms in advance for meetings, presentations, or other events.

Typical software functions in the area of "meeting room booking":

  1. Real-time availability display: Overview of free and occupied meeting rooms
  2. Booking calendar: Scheduling for room occupancy
  3. Resource management: Allocation of additional equipment such as projectors or video conferencing systems
  4. Mobile access: Bookings via smartphone apps or web applications
  5. Integration: Connection to existing calendar systems such as Outlook or Google Calendar
  6. Reporting: Evaluations of room utilization and usage statistics
  7. Automated notifications: Reminders of bookings or cancellations
  8. Check-in/Check-out: Registration at the beginning and end of room usage

Examples of "meeting room booking":

  1. Reserving a conference room for a team meeting
  2. Booking a presentation room for a client appointment
  3. Planning a training session in a seminar room
  4. Ad-hoc booking of an available meeting room for a spontaneous meeting
  5. Regular reservation of a room for weekly department meetings
  6. Booking a video conference room for an international project meeting

The function / module Meeting room booking belongs to:

Facility management

Software solutions with function or module Meeting room booking:

Desk Sharing Software for Flexible Workstations, Meeting Rooms & Parking Spaces