SoftGuide > Functions / Modules Designation > Antivirus


What is meant by Antivirus?

"Antivirus" refers to a type of software designed to protect computer systems from malicious software such as viruses, worms, trojans, and other types of malware.

Typical features of software in the "Antivirus" area include:

  1. Real-time protection: The software continuously monitors the system and detects and blocks malicious files and activities in real-time.

  2. File and system scanning: The software performs regular scans of files, folders, and the entire system to search for known and unknown threats.

  3. Quarantine: Detected malicious files are isolated and stored in a quarantine area to prevent them from infecting the system and causing harm.

  4. Automatic updates: The software is regularly updated to ensure it is protected against the latest threats and has the most up-to-date detection patterns.

  5. Firewall protection: Some antivirus programs also provide firewall functionality to monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic.

  6. Web protection: The software can scan and block websites that contain potentially harmful content to protect users from malware attacks over the internet.

  7. Performance monitoring: The software monitors system performance and minimizes resource usage to ensure that protection does not impact system performance.


The function / module Antivirus belongs to:


behavioral analysis
heuristic detection
Malware detection
Malware removal
Offline scanning
Online scanning
Phishing protection
Quarantine management
Real-time scanning
signature-based detection
Virus definition update
virus detection